Thursday, November 22, 2007

Demolition job
One way to demolish a tower block is to knock it down bit by bit. A much speedier way is to use explosives to release a burst of energy, bringing the building crashing to the ground. Below is how potential energy turns into other kinds of energy, and the dramatic results of the changes.

1. Potential energy is stored energy. Before the bang, there is potential, energy in the explosives, and in the tower block, because it contains heavy materials perched high above the ground

2. When the explosion takes place, the explosives potential energy is changed into heat, movement and sound. The tower block's potential energy also changes into movement and sound, as thousands of tons of concrete and steel come crashing down.

3. When the dust settles after the explosion, the potential energy in the explosives and the tower block has been changed. Most of it has been converted into different kinds of energy, which have escaped into the air.

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